Thursday, 3 January 2008

Network Printing Ubuntu and Synology DS-207+ Disk Station

Setting up a client computer (i.e. laptop or desktop) running Ubuntu Gusty to print over the home network with a Synology DS-207+ Disk Station as the print server.

There is also a very rough video version (my first ever video tutorial!) of this How To.

This part of the How To assumes that the network printer is pluged in to the DS-207+ and that the DS-207+'s IP address and Samba user name and password are know, and that the network is setup and ready to go. If this is not the case please see the sections below and the Synology DS-207+ setup CD and manual.

Setting up a Network Printer on a Client Computer Running the GNU/Linux Ubuntu Gutsy Operating System
- Open up the "Print Configuration" window - System>Administration>Printing

Open Print Configuration Window

- Click "New Printer".

Select Samba Printer

- In the add printer dialog window select "Windows Printer via SAMBA" and then in the "Samba Printer" input box type the IP address and printer designation (this is hard set by the DS-207+ and cannot be changed - "/usbprinter") of the DS-207+ (i.e.
- Click "Authentication required" and add the user name and password and click "Verify".

Check Printer is Available

- Once the printer has been verified as being available click forward.
- On the next screen, select the printers manufacturer from the list and click forward.
- On the next screen, select the printer model from the list and click forward.

Choose Printer Name

- Choose a name for to identify the network printer by.

Print a Test Page

- Select the newly installed printer from the list on the left and click the "Print Test Page" button.

All being well the printer is installed correctly and will print a test page.

Get the Home Network DHCP Allocated IP Address of the DS-207+
- To login the network router open up Firefox and type the IP address (the default IP Address for this particular Belkin router) into the address bar and then hit "Enter".
- Login to the router administrations pages using the admin user name and password.
- Click the option "DHCP Client List" in the left hand menu.
- The DS-207+ host name will be "null" and the IP address is indicated to the left.
NOTE: I have "hard set" the DS-207+'s IP address so itis outside the DHCP allocated addresses (it is and will not change if the router is restarted. This is because the client computers have to know the correct IP address for the DS-207+ in order access the network printer. To hard set the IP address see the instructions below.
Get DS-207+ IP DHCP Address from the Network Router

Login to the DS-207+
- - To login the DS-207+ open up Firefox and type the IP the address (this is the IP Address I have hard set the DS-207+ t0) into the address bar and then hit "Enter". Otherwise find the IP address of the DS-207+ as allocated by the routers DHCP server - see instructions above.
- Login to the DS-207+ administration pages using the admin user name and password.

"Hard Set" the DS-207+ Home Network IP Address
- To "hard set" the DS-207+ IP address login to its administration pages as above and then click the "System" option in the left hand menu.
- Input the IP address that you want making sure it is within the home networks range i.e. -

Hard Set the DS-207+ IP Address

Create a New Samba User

Check Pinter is Attached to the DS-207+

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Getting an HP LaserJet 1018 Printer Woirking With Gutsy 7.10

The HP LaserJet 1018 printer stopped working for some reason, although it had worked out-of-the-box. This thread on the Ubuntu forums sorted things tho, specifically using the code below.

$ wget
$ tar xvzf sihp1018.tar.gz
$ arm2hpdl sihp1018.img > sihp1018.dl
$ sudo cp ./sihp1018.dl /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1018.dl
$ sudo cat /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1018.dl > /dev/usb/lp0

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Re-Encoding AVI Using Mencoder

I had a home movie file that was not playing well on the Neuros OSD so I checked out how to re-encode it. Specifically I followed these instructions.

mencoder original-movie.avi -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=800 -o new-version-of-movie.avi

Once re-encoded the movie worked perfectly.