Sunday, 28 January 2018

How to Share A Folder in Ubuntu 14.04 (Local Network)

Ubuntu OpenVPN Setup for Private Internet Access (PIA)


  1. On some distributions, you may need to run the following command before running the install script:
    sudo apt-get install curl network-manager-openvpn-gnome
  3. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

    tip: Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste into the terminal.
  4. Enter the second and last command:
    sudo bash

  5. If you are prompted for your password, simply enter the password you use when you log into your computer. No stars or any character will appear: this is normal and just a security feature of the Terminal.
  6. The installer will ask you for your username as well as your connection method.

  7. Simply enter your username as indicated. The next two questions are optional and you can simply press the Enter key to skip them and use the defaults.
  8. That's it! You can now connect to PIA using the VPN Connections menu of the networking (arrows or WiFi icon) menu.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Linux Ubuntu StartUp commands to start open source messaging app Wire and messeging app Viber minimised, and to start secure messaging app Signal and SyncThing.

Linux Ubuntu StartUp commands to start open source messaging app Wire and messeging app Viber minimised, and to start secure messaging app Signal and SyncThing.

Wire command: /opt/wire-desktop/wire-desktop --hidden
Viber command: /opt/viber/Viber StartMinimized
Signal command: signal-desktop

SyncThing command: syncthing
(also see how to install and then set up a menu icon for SyncThing here:

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Handy app to Sync photos from Android phone to Linux Ubuntu

SyncThing for Android app:

How to install SyncThing on Ubuntu:

And then add it to the Ubuntu menu bar or as a link to the desktop:  


Install Syncthing on Ubuntu 16.04 via Official Deb Repository

Use curl to download the Syncthing GPG key then import the key to Ubuntu system with apt-key.

sudo apt-get install curl 

curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
-s option enables silent mode.

If you see OK in the terminal, that means the GPG key is successfully imported. Then add official Syncthing deb repository with the following command.

echo "deb syncthing release" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list

Update local package index and install Syncthing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
sudo apt-get update 

sudo apt-get install syncthing

This deb repository also works on Debian or other Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux distros such as Linux Mint, Elementary OS.

Set Up Syncthing as a Systemd Service

The official Syncthing deb package ships with the needed systemd service file. Under /lib/systemd/system/ directory, you will find a syncthing@.service file. Enable syncthing to auto start when Ubuntu is booted up by running the below command. Replace username with your actual username.

sudo systemctl enable syncthing@username.service

The above command will create a symbolic link that points to the syncthing@.service file.

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/syncthing@.service.
Now we can start the Syncthing service with the following command.

sudo systemctl start syncthing@username.service
Check status

systemctl status syncthing@username.service
● syncthing@linuxbabe.service - Syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization for linuxbabe
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/syncthing@.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since 六 2016-06-04 17:16:20 CST; 31s ago
     Docs: man:syncthing(1)
 Main PID: 5586 (syncthing)
   CGroup: /system.slice/system-syncthing.slice/syncthing@linuxbabe.
    └─5586 /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0
We can see that Syncthing auto start is enabled and it’s running. Now in your Web browser’s address bar, type to access the Syncthing Web interface. You can add other Syncthing devices and share folders with them. The default syncing folder is ~/Sync

Friday, 5 January 2018

Ubuntu 16.04 - how to read external USB/Sata hard drive that has old encrypted Home folder

Ubuntu 16.04 - how to read external USB/Sata hard drive that has old encrypted Home folder

Terminal commands

To avoid permissions error:

umount /run/user/1000/gvfs


sudo ecryptfs-recover-private 

Then follow the prompts - see screen-shot below...