Tuesday, 23 September 2008

How to Install a Larger Hard Drive to a Softmodded Xbox With Ubuntu

Xbox details

Xbox from Ebay that has already been soft modded with Xbox Unleased dash board and XBMC as an application.

Installing a larger (300gb) hard drive

1) Get the Eeprom.bin file.

First download a copy of ConfigMagic Xbox v1-6 FINAL


Double click on the ConfigMagic-Xbox_v1.6-FINAL.rar file and unpack to the desktop.

Using FileZill, FTP the ConfigMagic folder to the Xbox e:/apps folder.

Reboot the Xbox and go to Applications>ConfigMagic - go to the main menu and select the option to backup the Eeprom.

FTP back in to the Xbox and find the Eeprom.bin backup file in E: (NOTE: to see the file in FileZilla, may need to go to "server" from the option at the top of the screen, and then select "force show hidden files")

 2) Creating the xboxhdm boot disk, and then unlocking the xbox hard drive, cloning the xbox hard drive to the new (larger) hard drive and then locking both hard drives - follow this tutorial: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=650510&view=findpost&p=4275830

 Download xboxhdm from one of the torrent tracker sites, for example Pirate Bay

To create the boot disk in Ubuntu use the "make-iso-lin.sh" instead of the "make-iso-win.bat" script. I.e. open terminal and the navagate to the xboxhdm folder cd /home/[user-name]/Desktop/xboxhdm and then type the command ./make-iso-lin.sh and hit enter.

 3)Locking the hard drives

NOTE: remember to lock them both. i.e. follow the tutorial to the end and this will lock the xbox hard drive. Then unplug the xbox hard drive from the IDE cable, set the jumpers on the new hard drive to "master", then boot up from the boot disk again and follow the same locking process.

4) Formatting the new hard drive

Finally, plug the new hard drive in to the Xbox and go the the Unleashed "format" menu (password "Xbox" - case sensetive) and format all deives, F, G, X, Y, Z)


To set XBMC as the default dash use this http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=220144 remeber to download and unpack XBMC to get the shortcuts from _tools.

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